Published Books

I illustrated two published books as part of my freelance work. I really enjoy the book illustration process. It is a pleasure to help bring the author’s vision to life. It’s a great feeling to see authors get excited when they see new sketches for the first time. The children’s book, Mr. Shadow, My Friend, is inspired by the author’s son who has Kleefstra’s syndrome. This book was created to help bring awareness. The Jungle Way is a driver’s education book that was created for the students at a driving school. The different types of drivers are compared to an animal of the jungle which made the project extremely fun as it allowed me to design concept vehicles that are inspired by animals.

Mr. Shadow, My Friend

The author of this book created a song that goes with it, so you can listen online while reading along. The book, and song, are both inspired by his son, Ethan, who has Kleefstra’s syndrome. This book was partly created to raise awareness.